I put together these Frequently Asked Questions based on the questions my clients have asked over the years. You make see slightly different answers elsewhere. These answers are based on my experiences and views. I hope they are helpful for you. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them. Just send me an email or set up a consultation. What is QHHT? QHHT or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is a form of hypnotherapy which was created by Dolores Cannon. During a QHHT session you experience past lives and interact with your Higher Self, a level of consciousness that is far above the level of your conscious mind. The Higher Self is incredibly knowledgeable and knows all there is to know about you, your soul, and your current life (More about QHHT). Who would benefit from a QHHT session? I loved the answer that I heard Julia Cannon (Dolores Cannon’s daughter) give to this question. Everybody. A QHHT session is as varied as the person receiving it. It is for people who are looking to understand themselves or their lives, people who are on a spiritual path, people who have burning questions, people who are curious, people who are looking for healing of all kinds. It really is for anyone. How does QHHT work? The second H in QHHT stands for hypnosis and that is how it works. Your practitioner helps you reach an altered, trance-like state which allows you to access the wisdom of your Higher Self. Your QHHT practitioner acts like a facilitator, asking questions and walking beside you on your journey of discovery. How can a QHHT session be transformational? For me, the biggest thing I see in clients is their change in perspective about their current life. In the past life part of the session, they not only see a lifetime that is important for them, but they also experience it as if they were there so they can appreciate all of the things associated with that life. Healing can occur through a change in perspective and understanding of why an issue is showing up in their life. And when speaking with their Higher Self, they can receive guidance that allows them to see people, events, situations, and paths from a different perspective. Sometimes the sessions are eye-opening and sometimes they serve as confirmation for the intuitive insight they had already been receiving. Will I see images or is it like dreaming? Most people will see images during their session, but that is not the only way to receive information. You may hear, feel, smell, taste and just know what is occurring for you. Usually, it is a mix of all those ways. It is a lot like dreaming. The best way I can describe it is that it is like a dream you have when you are taking a nap. During that nap, you are often aware you are in a room taking a nap. You may hear some noises outside the room, but they do not really affect you. You still have a ‘light’ dream – not fully asleep, not fully awake. It’s like that. How do I know it’s not just my imagination? This is an interesting question. The first thing to know is that your Higher Self uses the right side of your brain to communicate with you and will use whatever tools are at its disposal. Those tools include memories, symbols, and imagination. Some people will receive information that they can later check for accuracy. When you are truly in trance and experiencing the session, the emotions you feel are real. We don’t make those up. Even your physical body gets involved with crying or laughing in some cases. I will finish with the logical answer for people like me. It really does not matter if it is your imagination or not. Your Higher Self is trying to show you something. How you receive that message isn’t as important as making sure you get the message. That is what matters. Will I remember what I see or hear? When Dolores first started doing QHHT many if not most people did not remember their sessions. These days, most people are aware during the session and remember much of what they see and hear. That is due to the work we have all been doing to raise our consciousness and our vibrational energy. People that regularly meditate, for example, are usually aware during the session. That’s normal. Will I lose control during the session? When we hear the word hypnosis, we often think of some time when we saw a hypnotist convince someone they were a chicken or something similar and do something silly that they would not normally do. That’s NOT what we do here. You are going into a light trance and are usually aware of what is happening. Your Higher Self is the one guiding you and your Higher Self always has your best interest at heart so will not have you do or see anything that isn’t helpful for you. We will always be in a safe space so that you can relax. What happens if I see or experience something traumatic during the session? Your Higher Self is not going to have you experience anything that you cannot handle. I have seen different Higher Selves handle similar situations with clients entirely differently based on what each person could handle. Also, I am with you the whole way so if something is upsetting, I am there to help guide you away from that situation and keep you safe and comfortable. That’s one of the big advantages of working with a QHHT practitioner as opposed to doing this alone. I am there to help you through anything that you need help with. What kind of past life will I see and who chooses it? The choice of the life you see is made by your Higher Self usually based on your intention for the session. You may be shown a past life on Earth or elsewhere in the galaxy or Universe. I have had clients experience life as part of Source / the Divine. You may experience a parallel life. That is a life that is occurring in roughly the same time frame that you are living right now. Often this kind of life shows you other choices you could have or have chosen. Sometimes you will see the past of your current life. This happens when there is something important that you need to work out in your past. My clients who experience this usually work out what they need to and then move to a different past life once they have seen what was needed. What if I am not hypnotizable? The level of trance you will need for the session is one that you achieve at least twice a day – once just before you fall asleep and once just before or as you are waking up from sleep. You can do it. The biggest obstacle is allowing yourself to let go and relax. It’s necessary to let go of conscious control and trust and allow your Higher Self to lead the way. I will give you tips ahead of your session and will work with you to help you achieve that relaxed state. If for some reason we don’t complete a session, I will adjust the cost of the session to reflect what we did do so there is no reason not to at least try QHHT out! Do you record the session? Who owns it? Will you keep it private? Your sessions are recorded and are sent to you via email as an mp3 file. Your session is for you and I do not share session recordings. Should there be some amazing thing that you feel we should share, then I will work with you to do that, but otherwise I will not share your session recording. How long is a session (why does it take so long)? Each session runs about 5 hours, but may go a bit longer. The first few hours of the session are for us to get comfortable with each other, for me to answer any of your questions about the session and for me to get to know you better. If you have ever watched a talk show, you may have seen the host with some cards that they refer to during the interview. Someone on their staff has gathered background information to help them with the interview. That’s what we are doing. I am learning about you to fill in that information so that I can ask the right questions and be the best host for your journey. We also spend time going over your intention for the session, any healing you may be requesting and the questions you would like answered. The hypnosis part is approximately 2 hours long. I find that is the best length to get what you need and not leave you feeling out of if after the session. The last part of the session is to make sure you are fully back in the present and to talk about what you experienced in the session. Can I drive afterward? Yes, with one caveat. I will make sure that you are fully present after the session. The caveat is that if you have driven more than 2 hours for the session, I suggest that get a hotel or stay with a friend nearby and drive home the next day. If coming from a distance for the session, driving to the session from a distance is fine and may even help with the session. However, I would recommend staying overnight nearby after the session given how long your drive is and the length of the session. Think of it like going to an all-day meeting. At the end of the day, even though it was just a meeting, you are tired and just want to relax. That applies here. How do I choose a QHHT practitioner? Some things to consider are experience and compatibility. Experience of the practitioner can be really important. The more sessions a practitioner has done, the more different types of situations and scenarios they have experienced. This will help you to have a better session. In general, by level 2, a QHHT practitioner has received all of the tools they need to successfully and reliably do a QHHT session. After that, it really comes down to the breadth of their client experience. Compatibility is the second big component. You need to feel comfortable with your practitioner. Read their bio and the information they share. Ask questions via email or schedule a quick consultation to see if you are a good fit. You need to be able to relax during your session and feel safe and supported by your practitioner. Are there any foods or activities I should avoid before the session? Generally, you don’t want to eat or drink foods that are stimulating such as caffeine at least 2 hours before the session. Avoid highly stimulating activities. Things that are calming such as meditating are a good choice before a session. Try not to eat a heavy meal directly before the session. Bring some water or juice to drink during and after the session. You can also bring a light snack. Still have questions? Send me an email or request a free consultation. Blueskyes Journey is located in Raleigh, NC. Meet Deanna Frey your QHHT Practitioner. Comments are closed.
December 2024