Once again, it’s time to look at the year ahead. I always like to look at the numerology of the year both for myself and the world in general. Last year, 2023, was considered a 7 year which had as its theme introspection and personal growth. 2023 was about re-evaluating, being observant and being receptive to personal, business, and spiritual goals. It was a year to dig deeper and get new understandings about life and ourselves doing the inner work that needs to be done. How was your 2023? Did you see some of these themes play out in your year? I know I spent some time evaluating where I was in my life and where I wanted to go. I saw many clients and friends doing the same thing. Many knew they were in some kind of transition and were looking for information and guidance about how proceed with their goals and dreams. Let’s see what the universal themes of 2024 will be. THE NUMEROLOGY OF 2024 The year 2024 is a 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 or an 8 year. An 8 year is about personal power, finances, and career. This can be a very busy year as the efforts and introspection we have done over the previous years now comes to fruition. This is where we begin to see the tangible efforts of past efforts. There will be a lot more money and power plays this year, some good and some not so good. However, with the right attitude and vision, this is also the year of great opportunity and success. This will be a year of confronting disempowerment. Expect a lot of activity and busyness this year. This is the information for the world. You have your own personal year number which in most cases will be different than the universal year number. How do you know what your personal year number is? Calculating your Personal Year Number For your Personal Year Number, use the following steps: Step 1 - Add your birth month, day and 2023 together. For example, for March 5 you would add…3 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 16 Step 2 - Reduce to a single number…1+ 6 = 7 So, 7 would be the Personal Year Number for someone born on March 5th. Both Universal and Personal Years follows a 9-year cycle with a 1 year being a year of beginnings and a 9 year being a year of endings. Each of the 9 years has characteristics associated with it. When you understand the theme for your year and work in flow with it, you will be able to make the most out of your year. Below are the main themes for each month. If your personal year is also an 8, then you will feel the characteristics of the 8 year even more intensely. 1 - New Beginnings, Action, Opportunity This is a year of fresh starts and embracing your individuality and uniqueness. It's a good year for a new relationship, a new career or job or moving into a new home. This is also a great time to undergo a personal makeover, work on personal development, or start a healthy lifestyle. The number 1 is a powerful manifestation number so whatever you start this year will set the tone for the next nine years. Between January and August tie up any loose ends from the previous year. In April you may find your ideas need a bit of change and in July you can take control and start doing. By August you will be letting go of old commitments and in September there will be greater clarity of purpose and the need to make changes. 2 - Relationships, Balance, Emotions First and foremost, this year is about your relationship with yourself. Practice self-love by making time to nurture and care for your mind, body, and soul. Strengthening yourself will help you to deal with relationship concerns that may pop up this year whether it is with family, friends, or colleagues. This year will be about clearing up those relationships. You may find yourself a bit overwhelmed by all the sensory input coming at you this year which is why having patience and practicing self-love is so important. This is an inactive and receptive year, a time to observe and refine. In the Spring a little humility may be needed before practical rewards show up in November. 3 - Self-expression, Communication, Creativity The number 3 is associated with creativity and this year will be all about self-expression. It's a great year to pursue artistic or creative endeavors. The energy of a 3 year can be a bit scattered and emotional. Be sure to time for relaxation as the emotions might get intense at time. Organization and discipline are important as is finishing up projects. Take time to play, find pleasure, vacation, and remember the child within. Most of the months this year will be lively except for April and August. It may not be until October that it feels like things are starting to get accomplished. 4 - Effort, Building, Planning This year for you is all about building a solid foundation for your future. Whatever projects you have started, this year is the year to do what you need to make sure they are stable and have a clear path going forward. This year will involve a bit of hard work in the form of extra physical, emotional, or mental effort. This work will benefit your future so stick with it. Concentrate on building and shoring up your finances and health and emotional well-being as doing so will pay off going forward. Kew words for this year are dignity, orderliness, and caution. If needed spend time reconstructing any material or financial issues as well as doing needed problem-solving. The work you do toward all this this year will bring stability in the following 5 years. 5 - Progress, Movement, Change This middle year of the cycle builds on the previous 4 years. Now is the time to act on what you planned or built a foundation for. This year will not have as many constraints as the previous year, but there will be drama so do your best to avoid it by being flexible. Don't take on too much and work on being disciplined with health and avoiding overindulgence. Focus on making positive changes that improve your overall quality of life. Don’t plan too much and make sure to stay flexible and open-minded to get the most out of this year. May will begin the time for vacations, pleasure, and transitions. 6 - Love, Family, Domestic, Responsibility This year is all about the domestic life - love, family, and responsibility. Your loved ones and family will need your attention more this year and you will have to work on your work and life balance. If you are single, this can be a good year to find a partner. If you are a healer or in a service-based field, focus on being of service and many opportunities will come your way. Don't forget to focus on your responsibility to yourself and your health this year. Your unselfish efforts and obligations done this year not only are appreciated by those around you, but also provide you with experiences to grow and become wiser. April is a time of new projects and November will see you your good efforts coming back to you. 7 - Introspection, Personal and Spiritual Growth This year is a bit quieter and is about going inward and focusing on introspection and spiritual growth. Make a point of spending time alone and focusing on questions such as who am I? what is my purpose? and how is my life going? Research is big this year. You may find yourself spending time reading books or taking classes to expand your horizons and knowledge. Think of this year as building the spiritual foundation of your life path. This is the year to pay attention and prepare yourself physically, intellectually, and spiritually to prepare for the coming years. In March you will start by focusing on the non-commercial and your personal values. This is the time for self-analysis and the spring and summer months will not be as good for commercial or physical concerns. 8 - Personal Power, Finances, Career The 8 year concentrates on finances, career and personal power and they will all figure prominently in your year. This is the time to concentrate on finances and career as it is powerful year to manifest in these areas. Personal power is very important as well. It is time to take back your power if you have given it away to others simply by not standing up for yourself. This is also the year of karma and learning major lessons. Make sure to always live with honesty and integrity. Ideas that form in February will come into focus in April and will then be refined in May. July, August, and September will be busy before alliances and money are increased at the end of September. In October, do some evaluating and draw conclusions about how things have been going personally and financially. November is about taking new steps and branching out before you finally slow down a bit in December and you receive recognition. This is a very productive year, but don’t forget to keep up with the details. 9 - Transformation, Completion, Endings A 9 year is about completion, endings, and transformation. This is the year when all that you have worked on and all that has been building the previous 8 years comes to completion. You may find there are things that you need to let go of as they have come to their natural conclusion. It can be an emotional year. Compassion and forgiveness are key. This will be the year to tie up any loose strings to begin a whole new cycle next year. You may find yourself called to be of service to your greater community. In the spring you will receive recognition for creative efforts. Take the time to inventory your past accomplished as you prepare for new goals next year. By October you will be coming up with new goals and will be looking to start them without much success. Hold onto them for the new year. Things are working behind the scenes and at the very end of December something will come in that will affect the course of the next year. This is not a year of beginnings so get rid of anything that will hinder a fresh start in the new year. There are several years that I didn’t mention that are considered special numbers, also known as master numbers. They are 11, 22 and 33. You can get some information about them by adding the 2 digits together (i.e., 2, 4 and 6), however there is additional information about them as well. Also, when you choose to start your numerological year can be important too. (see the references below). For more information on numerology: The Numerology Guidebook by Michelle Buchanan Numerology Has Your Number by Ellin Dodge |
January 2025
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