Simply, Archangelic Light Healing is an energy healing modality that works with Archangelic, Angelic and Divine Feminine energies to provide healing on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. Archangelic Light energy is a very beautiful and deep spiritual energy which flows directly to the root cause of an issue to promote healing on all levels. Even though this energy works with the Angels, it is not a religious practice. The Angelic and Divine Feminine energies are available to all. In this form of energy healing, the practitioner works in the auric field of recipient as opposed to touching them directly as with a modality such as Reiki. The energy works with your intention and may be perceived by some as a white or light blue, spiraling energy. The recipient of this energy may experience a strong spiritual connection, feeling of deep peace and nurturing love flowing through them during a session. Here are some important things to know about Archangelic Light Healing:
Archangelic Light Healing is a wonderful healing modality to learn and practice for yourself. An Archangelic Light Master Teacher will entrain you to the energy as part of a certification class. Many people entrained to this energy receive the gift of enhanced intuition, psychic development, and an opening of the third eye chakra. Because of this, taking an Archangelic Light Certification Class can promote your own spiritual development whether or not you choose to practice healing on others. Blueskyes Journey in Raleigh provides healing, guidance and knowledge to help you on life’s journey. Contact us to schedule an Archangelic Light Healing session or to learn more about our classes for becoming a certified Archangelic Light Practitioner. |
December 2023