Here are some things that you can do to get the most out of your Quantum Healing Hypnosis session whether it is a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) or Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session. These tips will also help you to prepare for a Past Life Regression. PRIOR TO THE SESSION The first thing is to understand that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. This means that you aren't going anywhere or doing anything that you don't want to do. So, in order to go into a trancelike state, you have to be willing to let go of control and be deeply relaxed. Following on from be willing to listen, see and feel the guidance from your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is not going to show you anything that you cannot handle and always has your best interests at heart. Let go of any fear or concern you may have and know that all will be fine. Practice meditating. If you don't already meditate, try doing some before your session. Guided meditations work very well for even beginner meditators. I recommend that you meditate each day prior to your session. There are some wonderful meditations by Brian Weiss that are very helpful. Practice using your imagination. Your Higher Self uses many aspects of your imagination to show you what you need to see. You will be using the right side of your brain for this connection, the same side you use when you imagine or daydream. When you activate the imagery of your imagination you are strengthening the connection. Here's a great exercise for the imagination recommended by Candace Craw-Goldman, the creator of BQH. Take a photo like the one above and look at it closely. Notice all of the details that you see. Now imagine or tell a story about what is going on in the picture. Imagine as many different scenarios as you can about the room that you see. Release expectations and let your Higher Self show you what is right for you at this time. Everyone's session is unique to them. Your past life experience may be an Earth life, a life in the cosmos on other planets or stars, a parallel lifetime or even the past of your current life. The key to a great session is to allow yourself to fully experience what your Higher Self is showing you. Hear what Dolores Cannon says about expectations. Create your intention for the session. What do you most want to get from this session? Being clear on why you want the session helps your Higher Self know what to show you and helps your practitioner know how best to help you. Say this affirmation daily. "I have a clear and direct connection with my Higher Self." This is an especially good practice for anyone who feels they are left-brained or who worries that they won't be able to be hypnotized. Saying this affirmation to yourself daily and placing your belief in it will help you to better connect to your Higher Self. DAY OF THE SESSION Reduce or eliminate caffeine intake at least 2 hours before the session and any other stimulating beverages, foods, etc. To have your best session, you want to be able to relax and almost feel like you do just before a nap. That will make it easier for you to get into hypnosis. Avoid highly stimulating activities. Instead try and do things that are calming such as meditating or taking a walk outside. You want to bring your energy down so that you are ready to rest. Avoid eating a heavy meal directly before the session. Instead, eat a light snack. You can also bring one to the session if you like. Having too much food in your stomach makes your body spend time digesting which can also keep you relaxing. Bring something to drink, preferably water, to the session since you will be talking a lot. Water is very helpful for grounding after the session too. Dress comfortably. Wear clothes that you would be comfortable in when taking a cozy nap. DURING THE SESSION When you are asked a question, trust your Higher Self and say the very first thing that comes into your mind. Don't analyze it. Don't try and decide if it is correct or even if you can say it better. Essentially, just blurt out the first answer that comes in for you as this is from your Higher Self. Doing this will get easier as you go along. When you are asked to see or feel things, see and feel things in as much detail as you can. This stimulates the right brain, strengthens your connection and quiets your left brain. When talking and describing things, give as much information as you can. Talk a lot. This helps your practitioner to ask better and deeper follow-up questions to get you all of the information you need from what you are experiencing. It also helps you to go more deeply into hypnosis strengthening your connection to your Higher Self. Blueskyes Journey is located in Raleigh, NC. Meet Deanna Frey, your QHHT and BQH Practitioner. |
January 2025
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