The first time I ever heard of Archangelic Light Healing was from a friend. It sounded interesting since I already invited Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael to work with me in healing sessions. If you are like me, you have always associated Angels with religion. The cool thing that I have discovered is that Angels are Divine Light Beings that work with all of us regardless of our religion. In fact, they don't care about that. They want us all to be our best and have our best life and they are here to help us do just that. Archangelic Light Healing works with the Archangels and Divine Feminine Avatars to provide healing. Divine Feminine Avatars are beings that have had lives on Earth and help all of us with specific issues or areas. There is more to it, but that is a high level explanation. Some of the Avatars I work with are Mother Mary, Isis, Mary Magdalene, Kwan Yin, and Lakshmi. The energy of this modality is a very gentle, feminine energy. For me, it feels very different than an energy such as Reiki. It is often perceived as a light blue spiraling energy. It is cooler. Both myself and the recipient can feel the coolness of it. I find that Archangelic Light sends healing energy to the root of an issue whether it is physical or emotional. By healing the cause of something, the situation or symptom itself can be healed. As a practitioner, I really love working with Archangelic Light. When I became entrained (part of the Archangelic Light Healing certification), it really expanded my spiritual growth. It helps my intuition and connection to the Angels and Avatars and it helps me provide messages and insights to my clients along with the healing energy. I often combine this energy with my Reiki sessions and find that the sessions are very powerful If you would like to learn more about Archangelic Light Healing, you can attend one of the monthly Archangelic Light Shares where you can get a chance to experience the energy or take a class to become certified in Archangelic Light Healing. An Archangelic Light session can be done in-person at our office in Raleigh, NC or online. It's up to you. Blueskyes Journey
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December 2023